Παρασκευή 22 Μαΐου 2009


Υπάρχουν λοιπόν σοβαροί Πανεπιστημιακοί ανά τον πλανήτη οι οποίοι έχουν ακόμα την κοινή λογική που εμείς έχουμε απωλέσει!!!
Παραθέτω αυτούσια την επιστολή που έστειλαν στον Ομπάμα για το θέμα των Σκοπίων Πανεπιστημιακοί από διάφορες χώρες και Πανεπιστήμια όπως το UCLA, Princeton, Cambridge, Oxford και πολλά άλλα.

The Honorable Barack ObamaPresident, United States of AmericaWhite House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama,We, the undersigned scholars of Graeco-Roman antiquity, respectfully request that you intervene to clean up some of the historical debris left in southeast Europe by the previous U.S. administration.On November 4, 2004, two days after the re-election of President George W. Bush, his administration unilaterally recognized the “Republic of Macedonia.” This action not only abrogated geographic and historic fact, but it also has unleashed a dangerous epidemic of historical revisionism, of which the most obvious symptom is the misappropriation by the government in Skopje of the most famous of Macedonians, Alexander the Great.We believe that this silliness has gone too far, and that the U.S.A. has no business in supporting the subversion of history. Let us review facts. (The documentation for these facts [here in boldface] can be found attached and at: http://macedonia-evidence.org/documentation.html)The land in question, with its modern capital at Skopje, was called Paionia in antiquity. Mts. Barnous and Orbelos (which form today the northern limits of Greece) provide a natural barrier that separated, and separates, Macedonia from its northern neighbor. The only real connection is along the Axios/Vardar River and even this valley “does not form a line of communication because it is divided by gorges.”While it is true that the Paionians were subdued by Philip II, father of Alexander, in 358 B.C. they were not Macedonians and did not live in Macedonia. Likewise, for example, the Egyptians, who were subdued by Alexander, may have been ruled by Macedonians, including the famous Cleopatra, but they were never Macedonians themselves, and Egypt was never called Macedonia.Rather, Macedonia and Macedonian Greeks have been located for at least 2,500 years just where the modern Greek province of Macedonia is. Exactly this same relationship is true for Attica and Athenian Greeks, Argos and Argive Greeks, Corinth and Corinthian Greeks, etc. We do not understand how the modern inhabitants of ancient Paionia, who speak Slavic – a language introduced into the Balkans about a millennium after the death of Alexander – can claim him as their national hero. Alexander the Great was thoroughly and indisputably Greek. His great-great-great grandfather, Alexander I, competed in the Olympic Games where participation was limited to Greeks. Even before Alexander I, the Macedonians traced their ancestry to Argos, and many of their kings used the head of Herakles - the quintessential Greek hero - on their coins.
Euripides – who died and was buried in Macedonia– wrote his play Archelaos in honor of the great-uncle of Alexander, and in Greek. While in Macedonia, Euripides also wrote the Bacchai, again in Greek. Presumably the Macedonian audience could understand what he wrote and what they heard.Alexander’s father, Philip, won several equestrian victories at Olympia and Delphi, the two most Hellenic of all the sanctuaries in ancient Greece where non-Greeks were not allowed to compete. Even more significantly, Philip was appointed to conduct the Pythian Games at Delphi in 346 B.C. In other words, Alexander the Great’s father and his ancestors were thoroughly Greek. Greek was the language used by Demosthenes and his delegation from Athens when they paid visits to Philip, also in 346 B.C. Another northern Greek, Aristotle, went off to study for nearly 20 years in the Academy of Plato. Aristotle subsequently returned to Macedonia and became the tutor of Alexander III. They used Greek in their classroom which can still be seen near Naoussa in Macedonia.
Alexander carried with him throughout his conquests Aristotle’s edition of Homer’s Iliad. Alexander also spread Greek language and culture throughout his empire, founding cities and establishing centers of learning. Hence inscriptions concerning such typical Greek institutions as the gymnasium are found as far away as Afghanistan. They are all written in Greek.
The questions follow: Why was Greek the lingua franca all over Alexander’s empire if he was a “Macedonian”? Why was the New Testament, for example, written in Greek?
The answers are clear: Alexander the Great was Greek, not Slavic, and Slavs and their language were nowhere near Alexander or his homeland until 1000 years later. This brings us back to the geographic area known in antiquity as Paionia. Why would the people who live there now call themselves Macedonians and their land Macedonia? Why would they abduct a completely Greek figure and make him their national hero?
The ancient Paionians may or may not have been Greek, but they certainly became Greekish, and they were never Slavs. They were also not Macedonians. Ancient Paionia was a part of the Macedonian Empire. So were Ionia and Syria and Palestine and Egypt and Mesopotamia and Babylonia and Bactria and many more. They may thus have become “Macedonian” temporarily, but none was ever “Macedonia”. The theft of Philip and Alexander by a land that was never Macedonia cannot be justified.
The traditions of ancient Paionia could be adopted by the current residents of that geographical area with considerable justification. But the extension of the geographic term “Macedonia” to cover southern Yugoslavia cannot. Even in the late 19th century, this misuse implied unhealthy territorial aspirations.The same motivation is to be seen in school maps that show the pseudo-greater Macedonia, stretching from Skopje to Mt. Olympus and labeled in Slavic. The same map and its claims are in calendars, bumper stickers, bank notes, etc., that have been circulating in the new state ever since it declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Why would a poor land-locked new state attempt such historical nonsense? Why would it brazenly mock and provoke its neighbor?
However one might like to characterize such behavior, it is clearly not a force for historical accuracy, nor for stability in the Balkans. It is sad that the United States of America has abetted and encouraged such behavior.We call upon you, Mr. President, to help - in whatever ways you deem appropriate - the government in Skopje to understand that it cannot build a national identity at the expense of historic truth. Our common international society cannot survive when history is ignored, much less when history is fabricated.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, αλλά και για να δείτε όλες τις υπογραφές που ακολουθούν

Ευτυχώς κάποιοι διαθέτουν ακόμα ... κοινή λογική!

Πέμπτη 7 Μαΐου 2009


Ευτυχώς υπάρχουν και οι Γάλλοι!!!
Όταν εμείς αντιδρούμε στην διδασκαλία των αρχαίων Ελληνικών οι Γάλλοι διαμαρτύρονται ζητώντας περισσότερα κονδύλια για τις πανεπιστημιακές έδρες των κλασικών σπουδών τους. Τι να κάνουμε; Χρειάζεται και λίγη κοινή λογική...

Τετάρτη 6 Μαΐου 2009


Τι κάναμε για την οικονομική κρίση τον τελευταίο καιρό;
Ευτυχώς δώσαμε κίνητρα για πωλήσεις αυτοκινήτων οπότε οι αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες της Γερμανίας, Γαλλίας, Ιαπωνίας κλπ μας ευγνωμονούν!
Ευτυχώς τώρα δώσαμε και κίνητρα για κατασκευές και πωλήσεις ακινήτων οπότε όλοι οι αλλοδαποί που ζουν στην Ελλάδα και έχουν καταλάβει πλέον άνω του 90% της οικοδομικής δραστηριότητας μας ευγνωμονούν!
Για τους υπόλοιπους, που αρκετοί είναι Έλληνες, θα κάνουμε τίποτα ή μόνο θα τους φορολογούμε;
Δεν είμαι κυβέρνηση, ούτε οικονομολόγος, ούτε φοροτέχνης. Σκέφτομαι απλά με την κοινή λογική.
1) Ιστορικά ο πιο πετυχημένος φόρος ήταν πάντα ο "φόρος της δεκάτης". Φόρος εύκολος στον υπολογισμό, μπορεί να τον υπολογίσει ο καθένας και απλοποιεί τη ζωή όλων μας.
2) Στη χώρα μας υπάρχουν φόροι οι οποίοι για να εισπραχθούν χρειάζονται έναν τεράστιο μηχανισμό γραφειοκρατικό, εισπρακτικό και ελεγκτικό έτσι ώστε από τα 10 ευρώ φόρου πού καταβάλουμε τα 7 περίπου να πληρώνονται για να λειτουργήσει αυτός ο μηχανισμός και μόλις και μετά βίας τα 3 να φτάνουν ως είσπραξη στο κράτος.
3) Έχουμε έναν ελεγκτικό μηχανισμό ο οποίος αναλίσκεται σε ελέγχους που μπορούν πολύ εύκολα να γίνουν μέσω Η/Υ από ένα γραφείο.
4) Στην Αμερική κανένας δεν τολμάει να κλέψει το κράτος. Γιατί; Είναι όλοι νομοταγείς πολίτες με συνείδηση; Όχι. Απλά είναι τόσο εξοντωτικά τα πρόστιμα που φοβούνται. Δεν χρειάζονται πολλοί ελεγκτές να βγαίνουν στους δρόμους κάνοντας τους "Ράμπο". Αρκεί ένα σώμα το οποίο να ταξιδεύει σε όλη την Ελλάδα. Χωρίς να ξέρουν κανένα και χωρίς να τους ξέρει κανείς. Να είναι ορκωτοί με φοβερές ποινές φυλάκισης και δήμευσης περιουσίας σε περίπτωση χρηματισμού και να ελέγχουν δειγματοληπτικά. Σε τυχών παραβάσεις οι οποίες στερούν από το κράτος έσοδα να είναι τόσο εξοντωτικές οι ποινές ώστε ο καθένας να το σκέφτεται πολλές φορές πριν το πράξει.
Συμπέρασμα :
  • Πρέπει το φορολογικό μας σύστημα να αλλάξει ριζικά και να απλοποιηθεί
  • Ο ΦΠΑ πρέπει να είναι για όλους και όλα 10% καθώς και ο φόρος εισοδήματος ( έως τουλάχιστον 50.000 ευρώ εισόδημα) να είναι 10% καταβλητέος με την κατάθεση της δήλωσης)
  • Δεν χρειάζεται έλεγχος των δηλώσεων κατά την κατάθεση από εκατοντάδες ή και χιλιάδες υπαλλήλους. Απλή παραλαβή μέσω internet ή ταχυδρομείου και καταχώρηση στο TAXIS
  • Έλεγχος από λίγους και με πολύ αυστηρές ποινές άμεσα!

Άραγε αν συμβούν όλα αυτά το κράτος θα χάσει ή απλά είναι θέμα ..κοινής λογικής!!!